From weight management to protection from heart diseases and diabetes
Avocados..It’s what I’ve been eating practically every day for the last few months for breakfast, and I must say the addiction is getting out of control now. Avocados have a bad reputation for being fatty but aside from the fact that eating avocados every day can prove a bit costly, there is actually nothing wrong with eating avocados daily. In fact, they are really, really good for you. Happy days. Let me explain.
They are nutritious
Avocados are a nutrient-dense food and contain nearly 20 vitamins and minerals. They contain lots of vitamins such as vitamin K, C, B5, B6 and E. They also contain potassium and foliate as well as small amounts of magnesium, copper, iron, zinc, phosphorous and vitamins A, B1, B2 and B3.
An average Hass avocado (the most popular type) contains 160 calories, 2 grams of protein and 15 grams of healthy fats. They do not contain any cholesterol or sodium, and are low in saturated fat. Wehey!
Low in carbs
Although an average avocado contains 9 grams of carbohydrates, 7 of those are fiber which makes avocados a low-carb friendly plant food.
More potassium than bananas
Say whaaat? Yes, that’s right. An avocado contains more potassium than a banana, with a 100 gram serving containing 14% of the recommended daily allowance, compared to just 10% in bananas. Potassium is an important mineral but unfortunately, most people don’t get enough of it in their diets. Potassium is very important for normal heart function and having more potassium can actually help patients of high blood pressure lower the risk of strokes.
They contain good fats. Lots of good fats
As you probably know, avocados are high in fats. But hey, it’s not just any fats. The majority of the fat in an avocado is a monounsatured “heart healthy” oleic acid which is believed to be one of the main reasons for the health benefits of olive oil. Oleic acid helps the heart by making the body more sensitive to insulin and using glucose properly.
They are good for your skin
If you suffer from dry skin then avocados are the right thing for you. Loaded with skin friendly fats, avocados help reinforce the structural barrier of the skin. Moreover, the vitamin C found in avocados is involved in the synthesis of collagen, ensuring that skin is kept looking healthy all year round.
Good source of folic acid
Avocados are a great source of folic acid, an important vitamin for DNA replication in all humans. It is advised that to prevent the development of deformities in the womb, women trying to conceive consume a supplement enhanced with folic acid, but avocados are an excellent source. An average avocado (around 130g), meets a whopping 30% of your recommended daily folate need for a stronger spine, skull, and brain of the fetus.

They can help you lose weight
Yep, that’s right! Avocados can actually help you lose weight and this is due to their high fibre content. Fibre can not only keep you full for longer (which in turn helps you restrict calorie intake) but it can prevent those sudden dips or spikes in sugar or energy levels that can often lead you to make unhealthy food choices. Avocados improve the way your body uses and stores glucose, thus lowering your BMI.
The best way to eat an avocado is when it is nice and fresh. Since the avocado peel has more helpful nutrients, try to scrape the flesh as close to the peel as you can. Avocados can be eaten fresh and raw, they taste great in salads or when used as a dip/spread or even in smoothies.